




从历史上而论,《真空教》之创始人 – 《廖帝聘》祖师的启蒙修行确是由《佛教》开始入门,后再开枝散叶,自创门户。虽然《真空教》内的许多教育思想与《佛教》相似,但本教保有许多独立的特色,又与其先不同,最主要是因为它针对当时的社会环境所设,以造福人群为首。严格来说,《真空教》不属于《佛教》宗派。








3 .《真空教》是提倡崇拜祖师、偶像、天神或某些经书吗?









《心经》上又说:…菩提萨埵,依般若波罗蜜多故,心无挂碍,无挂碍故,无有恐怖远离颠倒梦想,究竟涅槃。三世诸佛,依般若波罗蜜多故,得阿耨多罗三藐三菩提。… 云云。





































11. 《真空教》提倡杀生吗?为何要宰杀畜牲?




































答:《罗香林》教授1962 年之著作《流行于贛闽粤及马来亚之真空教》,书中有此一则:


黄氏曰:“不求神,已闻命矣。 至于医药,祖师不用,何也?”


赖氏答曰:“天地生人,三才得一,虽有始终,而无疫病。譬如天有浮云,风吹自散,地有冰雪,日出自消,人有疫病,得清气自散,得空气自宁。空道补足三才,清气补天,浊气补地,元气补人。人有疫病,祖师谓之过道者,言人本无疫病,即偶有之,实因阴阳失度,以致疫病缠绕。苟能于空处坐卧,存夜气,收放心,阴阳既调,自有缺病之效,实与医药无异也。..... 云云”













答:根据《罗香林》教授1962 年之著作《流行于贛闽粤及马来亚之真空教》,书中又有此一则:






以白话文来解释,其实拜道除了是敬道的一种方式以外,也是等于交劫数 – 既是先消灾后纳福的意思。在本教经典里,有多次重复此句:当天跪拜,有求必应。以科学理论而言,多拜道等于多活动筋骨,行气活血,促进身心。如果再以诚信求道,那就更加有效果了。



19. 《坐道》意义何在?










真经不贵在于多,因为“一法包含无量法”和  “一理通来万理通”。学道人之心最重要是带有“真”、“诚”和“信”。就如经上所说:“信心久远法界通”。




答:本教现在是以 “老师”和“先生”的称呼,作为道堂内服务人士的尊称。当《真空祖师》和三位大弟子在世宣道时,都是平易近人、宽容以待,来者皆称祖师为《大伯》或 《仙伯》;其弟子都被称纳为“三叔”、“五叔”等等。后来,道堂中开始称呼执事人为“老师”和“先生”,相信是在《真空祖师》和大弟子们升空后才实行的。




答:《真空教》最流行之地区为东南亚。当中有马来西亚、新加坡最为盛行。其次是泰国、印尼、香港、台湾等等。当年,本教在发源地 – 中国传开时,在清末明初期,曾传遍大江南北,极盛一时。如今,在江西省、福建省、广东省一带,依旧有一些跟随《真空祖师》教义纲本和学习《空道》的民间组织。只可惜,在中国国内,正式开坛宣道、传播《真空教》,还望期待当地政府之正式批准。

































无上甚深微妙法,愚痴小人不承当…… 云云。




默念:承蒙《真空祖师》恩典 。(合十叩首)





Frequent Asked Questions


1.     Is Zhenkong sect a faction of Buddhism? Are they the same?


A:   Buddhism is a sect with vast historical teachings spreading from Theravada to Mahayana practice. The highest attained level of such practice is based on the understanding of Emptiness and Simplicity.


In Zhenkong sect, the core value of comprehension is also Emptiness by practicing the 5 Refuges, 4 Examinations and 10 Precepts.


From historical fact, Grandmaster Liao began his practice from the Zen Buddhism and eventually developed the Zhenkong religion, thus aligning many philosophies of the 2 sects. However, Zhenkong sect remains many of the unique features that were specially created to suit the society of that time. Strictly speaking, Zhenkong sect and Buddhism are NOT the same religion.



2.     Does Zhenkong sect preach One GOD or whosoever as the target of worship?


A:   In the sutra of Zhenkong sect, there is a quote saying “Before the formation of heaven and earth already had the existence of Oneness. This holy form is the origin of all life forms. Nothing can add, subtract or describe this Almighty form. It is beyond description but replicates to Emptiness.”


Basically, Zhenkong teachings focus in spreading the universal truth and attain freedom for all believers. Practitioners are to enforce Inner Cultivation and accumulate External merits in their daily living.


We do not promote idolatry worship or preach the prowess of whichever GOD, deity or Buddha etc in control of the universe. We believe the great DAO will take charge of everything in the law of nature while all matters will adjust to equilibrium by themselves.


Kongdao disciples must do the goods and upkeep the basic code of 5 Refuges, 4 Examinations and 10 Precepts in order to be blessed by the Prowess of Emptiness.



3.     Does Zhenkong sect promote idolatry towards Grandmaster or any holy objects?


A:  Since Grandmaster Liao found the sect, no objects of idols were placed in all temples. Generally, the internal setup of all temples consists of a “Kongzhong” mirror in central area with above-hung signage “Grandmaster of True Emptiness”. On the alter table, there is a incense urn placed in the center, offerings of plain water, fresh flowers, fruits, sutras, chanting instruments and tall red candles on both sides.


On the inside front wall and under the “Kongzhong” mirror, 5 chairs are placed in straight orders with another 3 chairs on both left and right side each. The left-hand wall carries the “Kongzi” pictorial and “Changning” calligraphy while the right-hand wall carries “Kongdao” pictorial and “Wukong” pictorial.


During the time of Grandmaster Liao, he did not even encourage the disciples and followers to idolize him, his resemblance or any form of objects. Kongdao disciples just need do the daily kneeling prayers with prostration and reciting sutra will be sufficient. Our sect emphasizes more importantly on the comprehension of universal truth and applying good practice into daily living.



4.     What is “Kongdao” or “DAO of Emptiness”?


A:       In the teachings of Zhenkong religion, the Universal Oneness represents everything. When a person defiles from the attachment of visual forms, he will gradually replicate to Emptiness which eventually resides in The Almighty (Wuji) as ultimate One and Only formless state.


Similarly to Heart Sutra in Buddhism, its states the 5 skandhas and 18 realms (i.e. 6 organs, 6 consciousnesses, 6 external attachments) are all raised from the state of emptiness.


The Heart Sutra also states: The Bodhisattva who rely on practicing Prajna Paramita has no obstruction in his Mind. Because there is no obstruction, he has no fear and he passes far beyond confused imagination. Thus, he reaches ultimate Nirvana. The Buddhas of the past, present and future, by relying on practice of Prajna Paramita, have attained Supreme Enlightenment……..etc.


A Buddhist practitioner who comprehends completely on the teachings of Heart Sutra will reply on practicing Emptiness (defilement from forms) to achieve enlightenment.


In Mahayana teachings, Prajna means the Maha wisdom while Paramita is divided into 6 merits: The perfection of Generosity, The perfection of Ethics, the perfection of Patience, the perfection of Perseverance, the perfection of Concentration, the perfection of Wisdom.


From the above 2 schools of teaching, the wordings may be different but the contents are similarly aiming to outline the profound description of Emptiness. Hence, all preaching on universal truths should recognize the ultimate prowess of Emptiness (impermanence) and this also serves as the final highest state of all religious practice.



5.     Is there any difference between the definition of Emptiness between Buddhism and Kongdao?


A:    They are identical. Please refer to answer in question 4.



6.     Some seniors ever commented that all religions that were branched out from Buddhism are cult religions. What about Zhenkong sect?


A:  Over last thousands of years, there were indeed many “Faked Buddhist” groups or deceptive religions that cheated by using the look-alike teachings as Buddhism. Such social conflicts occurred as early as during the reign of Lord Buddha. 


The mission of erecting Zhenkong sect by Grandmaster Liao was to target at then social upheavals when people were addicted to Opium and loss of human values. The principles of our religion are based on 5 Refuges, 4 Examinations and 10 Precepts that aim to lead human back to rightful lives.


For instance, the 9th Precept states the eradication of superstition and idolatry worship is not meant to hurt other religion or certain professions. During that time, many con-men operated in the Chinese society to cheat the ignorant common folks by promoting such wrong practice and benefitted from dishonest wealth!


Since Grandmaster Liao erected the sect, he led thousands of country men in quitting opium, lived rightful livings, be pious and maintain healthy lifestyle.


Many followers adopted the Fanghua rituals and regained good state of bodily heath (from sickness). All these were recorded in true historical details while our sect has benefitted many people over many decades.


Broadly speaking, the Zhenkong sect has created many merits by helping countless followers while it has never ask for money in return. With so many benefits given to all people at such little monetary returns, there is no reason to doubt the operation as cult practice!



7.     What is the benefit of practicing Kongdao during the end of Dhamma era?


A:   In the current age that marks the end of Dhamma era, humans are infested with many worldly emotions and easily derail from the path of Dhamma. As many people are attached to beautiful and pleasant forms, they tend to fight, kill and try to win over each other in order to achieve authority, fame and wealth.


The purpose of practice Kongdao is to defile from such worldly superficial desires, thus let go our own ego and develop magnanimous altitude in receiving all people in our lives. We adopt positive mindset in our daily livings and work for best to benefit the society, while using our living own examples to lead others into developing the right values in their lives too!


The Heart Sutra begins with this: When the Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara was coursing in the deep Prajna Paramita, he perceived that all 5 skandhas are empty. Thus He overcame all illnesses and sufferings. Oh, Sariputra, form does not differ from the void,

and the void does not differ from form. Form is void and void is form; the same is true for feelings, perceptions, volitions and consciousness……"


From the above text, one might comprehend the inter-relations between Forms and Void (Emptiness). From scientific angle, it has been evident that the energies in this universal crust are inter-changeable and switched among many different forms. This proves the teachings in Heart Sutra that “Form” and “Void” are contrarian to each other with no fixed forms but then again, can be manifested in many forms.



8.     How shall we practice Kongdao? Is there any standard guideline?


A:  In Zhenkong sect, we practice the 5 Refuges, 4 Examinations and 10 Precepts. In addition, we practice in both Inner Cultivation and accumulate External Merits. The unique feature in Kongdao is no observation of tough precepts, no punishment for violations of tough precepts as well, no special practice for home-dwellers, no ordainment of monkhood as well. Everything boils down to natural ways of living simply while gradually align to the ultimate path of Emptiness in order to achieve defilements of forms.



9.     What are Inner Cultivation and External Merits?


A:   Inner Cultivation refers to practice of intrinsic value and gaining wisdom so as to align the perception of oneself to the DAO. To do this, one has to worship DAO with kneeling prayer, regular recitation of sutra and practice meditation. Gradually, one will be enlightened with crystal clear mind and attain awareness like the perfect full moon.


External Merits refers to the practice of charity to mankind and aim to benefit all people. To do this, one has to practice the 5 Refuges, 4 Examinations and 10 Precepts on daily basis. From practicing these values, one will naturally become benevolent, compassionate and willing to make sacrifice for others!



10.     What is the greatest driving force of a Kongdao practitioner? Does one need to make vow?


A:    In the practice of Kongdao, the greatest vow laid down on our practice actually comes from Grandmaster Zhenkong. Since he is the founder and holds the ultimate authority in our sect, all the teachings, merits and prowess were first initiated by him and passed down to us.


Our vow in the practice is to follow the teachings of Grandmaster Zhenkong and his method of practice in order to replicate ourselves to the origins, seek refuge in Oneness and only Emptiness in our afterlife, thus pursuing eternity.



11.     Why Does Zhenkong sect kill animals?


A:    Zhengkong sect does not promote random killing. The objectives of Fanghua ritual aims to save souls of animal and save mankind simultaneously.


Grandmaster Zhenkong ever stated: When I practiced Buddhism in the past, I used to observe vegetarian diet and abstain from killing. After I was enlightened by the Wuji (Almighty), I decided to break the precepts and attain the universal enlightenment. After I understood the great path of DAO, I realized the different degree of importance between mankind and animals. In this era when mankind is badly surrounded by omens, we need to utilize animals to help shoulder our bad karmas… etc.


In fact, Fanghua ritual is a very solemn ceremony and need to be fully prepared before such execution. Since early days till now, we have witnessed many Kongdao followers who have been alleviated from sickness and misfortune by practicing this ritual.


On the hind side, Fanghua ritual ceremony enables the souls of animals to end sufferings instantly and be raised into mankind through reincarnation. Thus, this ritual ceremony is a mutual beneficial exchange.



12.     What is the significance of Fanghua ritual?


A:   Fanghua ritual can be categorized into the big ceremony involving the sacrifice of hog, cow and lamb while the small ceremony involves the sacrifice of chicken and duck. Due to the social environment when Grandmaster was preaching then, Fanghua ceremony was created as a form of casual and convenient methodology in order to help mankind.


Back then, sacrificing of animals was common practice in China among all cultural festivals. Grandmaster preached such methodology to suit the nation’s culture as well as providing food to the poor. In fact, there is no preaching of killing animals in all the 4 major sutras of our sect. Therefore, Fanghua ritual is not a compulsory practice and should NOT be debated upon!


In modern society, killing of animals are restricted to authority license and appointed venue. Hence, Fanghua ritual is also facing regulatory control in our existing society.


However, the sutra says “The Buddhas are always efficient in umpteen manifestations”. This reminds us to be versatile and select alternative rout when we are restricted to Fanghua activities!



13.     Other religious sects practice chanting of mantra. Does Zhenkong sect have such language?


A:  Zhenkong sect preaches Kongdao that is actually True Void (Emptiness) and does not rely on any instrument, chanting or hand-signs. We do not practice burning of paper money, talismans and superstition. We also do not worship worldly object and idolatry for prayers. In fact, we emphasize in self-cultivation and comprehend the universal truth. There is no ordainment of monkhood or house-practitioner. The fundamental guidelines of practice rely on the 5 Refuges, 4 Examinations and 10 Precepts as foundation!


Similarly to Zen Buddhism, the comprehension of Void (Emptiness) is not easily attained by anyone. Instead, it needs time to slowly develop the wisdom through this practice and benefit from it later.


The Buddhism quotes: All forms of manifestations are just small tricks while only Emptiness leads to the great path of DAO.


The above statement explains the magnificence of Emptiness and how it can generates unlimited manifestations in the universe through nature. Such is known as DAO. Thus, Emptiness and DAO are Oneness and also the beginning of all time!


Even when Grandmaster Zhenkong sat on his last day, he looked up and smiled while continually reciting “Replicate to the Origins, Seek refuge in Oneness and only Emptiness.”


Therefore, we could repeat this sentence as a form of daily practice to set as foundation.



14.     Where can we learn and begin to practice Kongdao?


A:   Beginner may start to study the 4 major sutras uploaded in this website. It will be good to start from the Baokong Sutra (Sutra of Emptiness). Interested party may visit any of our temples to explore and learn further details.



15.     Is the meditation technique in Zhenkong sect same as others?


A:  The meditation taught in our sect is ideal to extend life while improve health conditions, cultivate inner peace and align oneself to the great path of DAO. The best time to practice is at midnight when the Yin and Yang universal energies interchange. The absorption of this energy is beneficial to our health and also increases our awareness of respect and gratefulness to others.


Our meditation technique does not require any mental control of inner energies or focus on certain acu-point. The most important objective is to observe natural forces in the universe and our own cultivated mind, thus aligning it to the great path of DAO!



16.     Since Zhenkong sect began, Grandmaster Liao offered the remedy of kneeling prayer and Chinese tea as antidote to opium addiction. How would such miracles be accounted for?


A:  According to the book written by Professional Luo Xianglin in 1962 about Zhenkong religion, there was a conversation between Huang and Lai (disciple of Grandmaster) as below:

Huang asked, “Without GOD’s blessing is life threatening, how would Grandmaster even cure illness without medicine?”


Master Lai replied, “The Heaven and Earth nurture mankind with no sickness (upon birth) though life is limited to years. For instance, the sky will be cleared after the clouds disperse and the snow will melt when the sun shines. When a man is sick, he receives energized and pure air to remove the bodily discomfort.  The Grandmaster said mankind is born as perfect but the imbalance of Yin and Yang will cause sickness in us. Through receiving pure universal air, meditation technique can energize and eradicate our sickness within…..”


He continued, “The 2 reasons why man fall sick are mainly because the 3 bodily essentials (Vital Energy, Qi and Mental Forces) deviate in balance or the prolonged accumulation of toxics. One who practices Inner Cultivation with External Merits will naturally stay healthy and attain longevity.”


In our modern world explanation, if one lives under stress, has bad eating habit or deprives of balance nutrition for too many years, sickness befalls and will affect the balance of 3 bodily essentials inside us.

But when one practices the Inner Cultivation with kindness and eradicates the evil thoughts while accumulate External Merits, he will receive the blessing and custody of DAO with happiness.



17.     Can persistent worshipping of DAO through kneeling prayer really cure sickness and prolong life?


A: Since the Zhenkong sect began, many followers have benefitted from the kneeling prayer. We have many testimonials and verifications by the real-life practitioners. The holistic power and effects are beyond words. You may read Q18 for the scientific explanation.



18.     What is the significance of worshipping DAO through keeling prayer?


A: According to the book written by Professional Luo Xianglin in 1962 about Zhenkong religion, there was this excerpt as below:


Magistrate Huang asked, “Is it acceptable to just worshipping DAO but not the personality?”


Master Lai replied, “Yes and No. Worshipping a personality is not seen as a mannerism but rather to pass on your karma to him. A disciple passes on his karma to the master and the flow always moves from downstream to upstream.  When one worships a Saint, he passes on to the Void (DAO) since all Saints represents the Void (DAO). Hence, worship a Saint and not a common person. Pray to DAO and it equates to worshiping Void.”


In our modern world explanation, worshiping DAO is a form of respect and also passes on your karma for eliminating negativities. In our sutra, it mentions many times that praying to the open sky (DAO) through kneeling prayer and be granted of your wishes.


From scientific angle, worshiping DAO thorough kneeling prayer is a good form of physical exercise that improves our joints and blood circulation. It will be more effective if faith can be integrated too.



19.     What is the significance of meditation?


A:  In Zhenkong sect, both the meditation and kneeling prayer eliminate carbon dioxide (fatigue) from our body and replenish with energized air. Our meditation technique is a widely accepted method by all religious practices without conflict. The objectives are to remove bodily illness, cultivate inner values and elevate personal spirituality. During the practice, one has to remove all worries, fear, depression, excitement, emotions etc. in order to receive the pure energized and universal air. This can strengthen our heath and immunity while help to quite opium (smoking) addiction!



20.     Among the 4 sutras in Zhenkong sect, which one should we begin the practice and how shall we do it?


A: For beginners, one should start with the “Baokong” sutra then to ‘Wuxiang” sutra, “Sanjiao” sutra and eventually to the “Baoen” sutra. Since our sect preaches the Emptiness (Void) as the Beginning and End of all eons, “Baokong” sutra is the most appropriate text for all general practitioners.


One who studies in-depth to this sutra will gradually comprehend the synchronization to the path of DAO and attain calmness with a peace of mind. The universal truth does not reply on quantity but on the unique quality of just understanding The Oneness. Practitioner of Kongdao is important to carry the sincerity and faith within for self-realization.



21.     Other religious sects usually honor the respectable and senior personalities as Pastor, Reverend, Bhagavan, Rabbi, Abbot etc, what is the practice in Zhenkong sect?


A: Our sect only addresses the seniors as Teacher (Sir) and Mister in our religious group. During the time of Grandmaster and his main 3 disciples (who became as Masters later), they wished to be approachable and receptive to general public so such culture was made simple.


Teacher (Sir) is referred to as one who preaches the sutra while Mister refers to the person who is in-charge of necessary chores in the temple. It is believed that these 2 honors were started after the ascension of Grandmasters and his main disciples. 



22.     Where has Zhenkong sect spread to and how should we expand the teachings of Kongdao?


A: The most popular countries with Zhenkong religion in South East Asia include Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia, Hong Kong, Taiwan etc. When it was spread throughout China during the end of Qing dynasty, popularity rose in many provinces such as Jiangxi, Fujian, Guangdong area. Till now, there are still some practitioners in household groups of abovementioned vicinities. Unfortunately, Zhenkong religion has yet been officially approved to be practiced in China.


Throughout this website, we hope to establish contacts with various Zhenkong sect temples from Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia and Mainland China.


The duty of expanding the Zhenkong sect is a great project that needs the massive combined efforts of many fellowships in accomplishing it. Those who join our sect will need to study and understand the essence of our teachings. After practice begins, the thought, speech and behavior must align to the commands laid down by Grandmaster. This can enhance our good image to the public.


With regards to the future expansion of our religious project, it will need time and the right people to take on the roles. Finally, Zhengkong sect is a pure, elevated, non-corrupted and rare religion. Whoever wishes to motivate and promote it to the world may do so in whatever best methods but not deviating from our core teachings and values.



23.     What are the restrictions and rules to be observed for disciples?

A: As practitioner of Kongdao, one must cultivate good thought based on the observations of 5 Refuges, 4 Examinations and 10 Precepts in our daily livings. In addition, persist in the Inner Cultivation throughout our daily livings.


Inner Cultivation refers to the regular worship of DAO through kneeling prayer, profound meditationrecitation of sutras while channeling these 3 practices into one’s alignment to the path of DAO. 


Grandmaster Zhenkong once said, “My awareness is like the clear moon without covered by clouds. It is mindful enough to observe the delicate change of all seasons but also can be magnified to the largest scale of a world. This ultimate awareness explains the natural phenomena of everything without doubts, thus no more urge arises from within but everything shall be fulfilled. This same awareness, after fully developed from within, will become versatile to material changes as one wishes but also lead a simple and carefree life-form as one attains the highest state of being.”


From above statement, the purpose of Inner Cultivation is to Replicate to the Origins cum ultimate Home of Void.


In our sect, the practice of Inner Cultivation and building External Merits are executed simultaneously with equal priority. The purpose is to benefit others and lead them onto the path of DAO. One must always comply with all good deeds while abstain from all evils in order to be align to the path of DAO.



24.     Why are teachings of Kongdao reducing over years?


A: This is an ambiguous topic. As Buddhism records, the human beings that live in the end of Dhamma era will be surrounded by 5 skandhas, thus very attached and infatuated by external visual forms. This gives rise to greed, anger and attachments that pursue the wealth, good looks, reputation, extravagant food and laziness. The untiring fights and plots cause squabbles among human beings and entrap them in the continual cycles of sufferings without end!


In this modern society, many people are trained with academic wisdom but few are gifted in holistic wisdom.

Over years, our sect has very limited activities in recruiting new fellowships. Hence, many strangers who do not have thorough understandings of our religion had accused Zhenkong sect of superstition.


Below is an excerpt from the “Wuxiang Sutra”:


An ultimate Dhamma teaching is hard to come by even after one searches through 10,000 eons.

Only the fortunate one will arrive here while many shall regret only in hades.

An ultimate Dhamma teaching will be met only by the fortunate ones.

An ultimate Dhamma teaching will be rejected by the less fortunate ones.

An ultimate Dhamma teaching will be relinquished by the less fortunate ones.

An ultimate Dhamma teaching will be misled by the less fortunate ones.

An ultimate Dhamma teaching will be delayed by the less fortunate ones.

An ultimate Dhamma teaching will be relinquished by all ignorant ones.



Finally, we hope to spread the teachings of Grandmaster Zhenkong through internet disseminations around the whole world. In today’s modern world, we wish to share these precious teachings of Kongdao and let all people rediscover the benefits of practicing it. Thus, it can be passed on to the future generations and fulfill the mission of salvaging both human and souls, while leading them to happier state of lives.


May Grandmaster Zhenkong bless all beings.





